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Predefined Function Interfaces
The predefined functions if any are executed by TCAX in order, there are in total four interfaces:
Usually, it does some initialization, and will be executed only once before any other predefined functions of the tcaxPy script.
Implementation example:- def tcaxPy_Init():
- # some common pre-defined global values
- global fontSize # as name implies
- global resX # horizontal resolution
- global resY # vertical resolution
- global marginX # horizontal margin
- global marginY # vertical margin
- global spacing # space between texts
- global frameDur # milliseconds per frame
- global lineNum # number of lines
- global textNum # textNum[i], number of texts in ith line
- global start # start[i], start time of a line
- global end # end[i], end time of a line
- global kar # kar[i][j], karaoke time of a syllable
- global elapKar # elapKar[i][j], elapsed karaoke time before reaching a certain syllable
- global text # text[i][j], as name implies
- global textLength # textLength[i], total width of a line
- global width # width[i][j], width of a text
- global height # height[i][j], height of a text
- global advance # advance[i][j], advance of a text, usually larger than width
- global advDiff # advDiff[i][j], distance between the current text to the first text of the line
- fontSize = GetVal(val_FontSize)
- resX = GetVal(val_ResolutionX)
- resY = GetVal(val_ResolutionY)
- marginX = GetVal(val_OffsetX)
- marginY = GetVal(val_OffsetY)
- spacing = GetVal(val_Spacing)
- frameDur = 1000 / GetVal(val_FXFPS)
- lineNum = GetVal(val_nLines)
- textNum = GetVal(val_nTexts)
- start = GetVal(val_BegTime)
- end = GetVal(val_EndTime)
- kar = GetVal(val_KarTime)
- elapKar = GetVal(val_KarTimeDiff)
- text = GetVal(val_Text)
- textLength = GetVal(val_TextLength)
- width = GetVal(val_TextWidth)
- height = GetVal(val_TextHeight)
- advance = GetVal(val_TextAdvance)
- advDiff = GetVal(val_TextAdvanceDiff)
- # some user-defined global values
- global font
- global fontBord
- font = InitFont(GetVal(val_FontFileName), GetVal(val_FaceID), fontSize, GetVal(val_Spacing), GetVal(val_SpaceScale), MakeRGB(255, 255, 255), 0, 0)
- fontBord = InitFont(GetVal(val_FontFileName), GetVal(val_FaceID), fontSize, GetVal(val_Spacing), GetVal(val_SpaceScale), MakeRGB(0, 0, 0), 2, 1)
复制代码 tcaxPy_Main
It provides some easy to use information through the parameters, and the function will be executed many times, which is decided by the number of syllables or texts.
Description of parameters:
# _i the current line being handled whose index is _i
# _j the current text being handled whose index is _j in the current line
# _n number of texts in the current line
# _start start time of the current line
# _end end time of the current line
# _elapk elapsed time from the first text of the line to the current text
# _k the karaoke time of the current text
# _x the horizontal position of the current text (an5)
# _y the vertical position of the current text (an5)
# _a the advance of the current text
# _txt the content of the current text
1. the existing time of the current text is from _start + _elapk to _start + _elapk + _k
2. you can replace the parameter names with whatever you preferred.
Implementation example:- def tcaxPy_Main(_i, _j, _n, _start, _end, _elapk, _k, _x, _y, _a, _txt):
- ASS_BUF = [] # used for saving ASS FX lines
- TCAS_BUF = [] # used for saving TCAS FX raw data
- #############################
- # TODO: write your codes here #
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(_start, _end), pos(_x, _y) + K(_elapk) + K(_k), _txt)
- #############################
- return (ASS_BUF, TCAS_BUF)
复制代码 tcaxPy_User
It will be executed only once and if this function is used, tcaxPy_Main function will be ignored. The difference between tcaxPy_User function and tcaxPy_Main function is that tcaxPy_User function leaves all the work to be done by the user, while tcaxPy_Main function leaves the I/O task to TCAX. The structure of tcaxPy_Main function is somewhat dull, not as flexible as tcaxPy_User function. However, you can make your own script template by implementing the tcaxPy_User interface.
Implementation example:- def tcaxPy_User():
- ASS = CreateAssFile(GetVal(val_OutFile) + '.ass', GetVal(val_AssHeader))
- for i in range(lineNum):
- initPosX = (resX - textLength[i]) / 2 + marginX # if marginX = 0, then it's just on the middle
- initPosY = marginY
- for j in range(textNum[i]):
- ASS_BUF = [] # you can put the BUF anywhere according to your usage
- if text[i][j] == '' or text[i][j] == ' ' or text[i][j] == ' ':
- continue
- posX = initPosX + advDiff[i][j] + advance[i][j] / 2
- posY = initPosY
- ass_main(ASS_BUF, SubL(start[i], end[i]), an(8) + pos(posX, posY) + K(elapKar[i][j]) + K(kar[i][j]), text[i][j])
- WriteAssFile(ASS, ASS_BUF)
- Progress(i, j)
- FinAssFile(ASS)
复制代码 tcaxPy_Fin
Usually, it does some finalization, and it will be executed only once after any other predefined functions of the tcaxPy script.
Implementation example:- def tcaxPy_Fin():
- FinFont(font)
- FinFont(fontBord)
- Pause()
复制代码 TCC Options to Enable/Disable the Interfaces
You can change the options about whether to use these functions through the TCC file:
< tcaxpy init = true >
true - will use tcaxPy_Init function, and you should implement the tcaxPy_Init interface in your tcaxPy scripts.
< tcaxpy user = false >
false - will use tcaxPy_Main function instead, and you should implement the tcaxPy_Main interface in your tcaxPy scripts.
< tcaxpy fin = false >
false - will not use tcaxPy_Fin function, so you do not have to implement it.
you can change the settings according to your usage.
Python is a powerful scripting language, you can break the limitations of TCAX, and enhance it by using external modules and co-operate with your own tcaxPy script template, which can be achieved by using your own implementation of the predefined tcaxPy_User interface. Though such task is never easy, and requires your better understanding of Python programming and the concepts of TCAX.
Here is an example of implementing a new tcaxPy_User function.